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The Sutton Financial Difference
Flat-Fee vs. Traditional
Goals-Based Planning
About Eagle Strategies
About New York Life
Advanced Planning Resources
Who We Are
Our Founder
Our Beliefs
What We Do
Financial Planning Services
Educational Resources
Social Security Claiming Decisions
Asset Allocation & Diversification
Cost of Market Timing
How Offsetting Gains Works
Tax Resources
Value of Advice
Active or Passive
The Power of Comprehensive Goal Based Planning
7 Tips for Long-Term Investing Success
What is an advance directive and why do you need one?
The Role Diversification Plays in Managing Investment Portfolio Risk
Planning For Educational Costs
The Importance of an Emergency Fund
How to Make Charitable Giving a Family Endeavor
Planning for Healthcare in Retirement
The Importance if Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts
How Offsetting Gains Works
Tax-loss Harvesting
A Step-Up in Basis and Why it Matters in Estate Planning
Wealth & Values
Putting Market Volatility to Work for You
Chapter Two: Second Careers in Retirement
Should you convert to a Roth IRA today?
What's your retirement income gap and how can you solve for it?
Preparing for a New Year
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Eagle Strategies
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NYLIFE Securities
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